Aunty Es’s Quandong Jam Recipe
A Recipe for Kambarang Season - Spring.
Quandong fruit is ripe and ready to eat in Kambarang season and is perfect for making jam.
Other traditional uses for quandong includes grinding the seed kernels and mixing with animal fat and used as a liniment for sore muscles.
The leaves were pounded to a paste and applied to sores and boils.
An infusion of the leaves was sipped to support good blood glucose and the paste from the ground seeds was used as a skin moisteriser.
This recipe comes from Aunty Esme, a respected Elder and proud Noongar woman from Wadani Boodja, currently residing in Yamatji Country.
Aunty Es is proud to share culture and inspire others to create meals and memories using the foods, flavours and knowledge of First Nations peoples.
By sharing recipes and knowledge it helps to celebrate First Nations peoples, their voices and resources and works towards strengthening communities through the reclamation of First Nations knowledge.
So enjoy this recipe, it has a special place in my heart.
I take the flesh from the stone, cut up roughly and soak overnight in salty water.
I then drain and put into a saucepan and add juice of lemon. A couple if needed.
Add enough sugar to your taste. Bring to boil and stir often. When thickened and jellied it is done.
You don’t need water, only a very small amount as the lemon juice is enough.
There’s no specific quantity of ingredients, just judge how much of the sugar and lemon you need for the quandong.