Djeran Season - Autumn

Welcome to Djeran - the Noongar season of the adulthood.

Djeran season is when we start to see some relief from the heat of Birak and Bunuru season. You will start to notice the nights cooling down, dewy mornings and comfortably warm days.

As the season progresses the night will continue to cool and we will start to notice our energy going ‘down and in’ in preparation for the cold of Makuru season.

Djeran is also marked by blooming red gums, banksia and she oaks full of seed cones.

Organs To Support

During Djeran the winds change in intensity and start blowing from a Southerly direction. Our skin and lungs need extra support as the wind tends to dry these organs out, resulting in dry itchy skin, chapped lips and dry coughs.

Rich, emollient balms for the skin and lips will help protect against the cold wind. Marshmallow, mullein and licorice root drunk as a tea will soothe the lungs and protect against a dry cough.

Traditional foods during Djeran included root bulbs, seeds and freshwater fish.

Start slow cooking your food and opt for heartier, warming meals to start building the body up for the cold of Djeran. Incorporate bone broths to support immunity and nourish the body and build the blood. Avoid cold food at this time as it will weaken the body.

Foods to Consider During Bunuru:

  • Protein: Salmon, bream, flat head, mullet, whiting, blue swimmer crab, mud crab, oysters, prawns, squid, beef, lamb, soy, legumes, beans, chicken, eggs, yoghurt, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, tahini, bone broth

  • Vegetables: Mushrooms, leeks, sweet potato, carrots, zucchini, spinach, cabbage, seaweed, pumpkin, avocado, watercress, turnip, radish, beetroot, horseradish, wasabi.

  • Fruit: Apple, olive, fig, grapes, pear, persimmon, grapefruit, lemon, lime.

  • Grains: Barley, rice, millet, sourdough, rye bread.

  • Herbs: Ginger, coriander, garlic, cinnamon, fennel, licorice root, marshmallow root, mullein.

  • Oils: Ghee, olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil, sesame oil.


How To Make A Herbal Infused Oil


Rosella Iced Tea - Bunuru Recipe